百人一首(3番) ・ 柿本人麻呂
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
では、これにて! ;)
では、これにて! ;)
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
新藤 兼人の作品はほとんど歴史ホラー映画に当たるが、『原爆の子』もその辺に含まれる。僕ながら「乙羽 信子」のこの映画の中の演技が良かったと思う。とはいえ、他の俳優もとても自然に演じてくれた。特に「滝沢 修」の岩吉爺さんは感動したかもしれない。でもそれっきりにしたくない。是非とも世間に知られてほしい映画だが、確かにモノクロームの上、1952年の制作で少し年を取った映画。それでも今でも監督官や必死に頑張ってくれた俳優達の気持ちは心の底の糸を触れる。戦争後の日本を包んで未来人の僕らに原爆の恐ろしさと悲しさを記録して送った単色映画。
Saturday, May 31, 2014
ef - a tale of melodies ・ちひろ
ef - a tale of melodies ・ちひろ
Friday, May 30, 2014
今日、レプッビリカ新聞(イタリアで有名な新聞なのだけれども)は最近ドイツの研究者が公表した新知見を記事で紹介した。まだ色々調べなければならないが、エロ映画などを見れば見るほど、脳髄の灰白質が減少してしまうと言う。灰白質は記憶力、行動力、問題解決力などに繋がる。特に研究で明白になったのはそれでやる気がかなり落としてしまうこと。研究者はまだどれぐらいこの結果を信じて良いのかを解っていないようだが、それでもとても強い関心を持たされている。 これからもっと違うやり方で確認し、その結果の重大性を確かめる必要があるとされる。どんなことが見付かってしまうのであろうね?
Monday, May 26, 2014
今のフィルター |
新しい窒素酸化物と微粒子の対策方法 |
Tier | Date | CO | THC | NMHC | NOx | HC+NOx | PM | P*** |
Diesel | ||||||||
Euro 1† | July 1992 | 2.72 (3.16) | - | - | - | 0.97 (1.13) | 0.14 (0.18) | - |
Euro 2 | January 1996 | 1.0 | - | - | - | 0.7 | 0.08 | - |
Euro 3 | January 2000 | 0.64 | - | - | 0.50 | 0.56 | 0.05 | - |
Euro 4 | January 2005 | 0.50 | - | - | 0.25 | 0.30 | 0.025 | - |
Euro 5 | September 2009 | 0.50 | - | - | 0.180 | 0.230 | 0.005 | - |
Euro 6 (future) | September 2014 | 0.50 | - | - | 0.080 | 0.170 | 0.005 | - |
Sunday, May 11, 2014
誰だって限界がある。でも、物事をやらなければ自分の可能性を見知れない。そこは一番大きな問題。僕は色々やりたいと思っている。やってみることは諦めたくない。けれど、全部必死に頑張る訳にも行かないし、何か高いレベルまで磨こうと思ったら、かなりの時間と努力が要る。少し僕の今掛かっている問題を語ろう。僕は大学生で、日本文化、社会、そして日本語を専攻している。理由があって少し遅れて来年の二月頃に卒業に向かっている。だから今僕の最終目的は卒業証明書をその物手に入れることだ。他に興味の持っている勉強というと、ITいわゆるコンピュータサイエンス、音楽、中国語、その他にある言語、栄養学。多少一般化学、 有機化学、物理学、数学、世界文学、歴史、料理にも関心している。残りの時間はスポーツ、手で物を作るのも嫌ではない(ホッビーについては話し手いない)。それ全部ちびっとやりながら、生きるために仕事もしている。
こういうことだからこそ、スゴくしっかり選ばないとダメになる。そう言いながらもなかなか選ぶのは上手ではない。僕はやるという時に大体非常な程度にやりまくって、自分の全てを掛けてやるタイプだから、正しい方向に向かって頑張る確信もない。だから、今少し考えておきたい。 しかも、先ほど書いたリストは勉強にするか、仕事にするかという問題もある。そろそろもう一度本格的に仕事に戻るころが来ているが、僕はどれぐらいの成功で満足するつもりなんだろうね? 大した質問だ。とても簡単に答えられない。自分が本当にとんでもない所まで追いつこうと思えば、苦労しないと行けないけど、それよりもそれなりの覚悟と余裕が必要。遅れて始まるとどうにもならない。そうなんだけど、始まったら、自由に動いて自分の可能性をまっと知る機会もなくなる。知識的な話として。経験は勿論仕事の方がもっと集まるが、……
では、またポスト致しますので、今度はこれにて 。
こういうことだからこそ、スゴくしっかり選ばないとダメになる。そう言いながらもなかなか選ぶのは上手ではない。僕はやるという時に大体非常な程度にやりまくって、自分の全てを掛けてやるタイプだから、正しい方向に向かって頑張る確信もない。だから、今少し考えておきたい。 しかも、先ほど書いたリストは勉強にするか、仕事にするかという問題もある。そろそろもう一度本格的に仕事に戻るころが来ているが、僕はどれぐらいの成功で満足するつもりなんだろうね? 大した質問だ。とても簡単に答えられない。自分が本当にとんでもない所まで追いつこうと思えば、苦労しないと行けないけど、それよりもそれなりの覚悟と余裕が必要。遅れて始まるとどうにもならない。そうなんだけど、始まったら、自由に動いて自分の可能性をまっと知る機会もなくなる。知識的な話として。経験は勿論仕事の方がもっと集まるが、……
では、またポスト致しますので、今度はこれにて 。
言っていなかったのは、その同時に生活費を溜まるため仕事していること。世間はなかなか優しくないから、生きるにはお金が要るね…… ^^;;
ではでは、また今度報告致しますぞ! (笑)
言っていなかったのは、その同時に生活費を溜まるため仕事していること。世間はなかなか優しくないから、生きるにはお金が要るね…… ^^;;
ではでは、また今度報告致しますぞ! (笑)
Saturday, May 10, 2014
僕の選んだモデルはHohnerのGolden Melodyという。とても使いやすいけど、気を付かないと簡単に錆びるから、ケア出来る人にお進め。こういう形の楽器:
従兄弟にもプレゼントしようと思っていたけど、やはり子供には音の質がある程度下げても、取りあえず弾きやすくて上手な奴が必要と思って、スズキのBlues Masterにしておいた。 こんな感じの:
Blues MasterはOverblowingとかは少し無理なんだけど、弾き始める時にGolden Melodyより音を出しやすい。
早く”Oh Susanna”とかBachの”Minuetto"が弾けるようになりたいなぁ。
ではでは、この辺失礼致しますっ! (Z80もまだ研究中だべー)
僕の選んだモデルはHohnerのGolden Melodyという。とても使いやすいけど、気を付かないと簡単に錆びるから、ケア出来る人にお進め。こういう形の楽器:
従兄弟にもプレゼントしようと思っていたけど、やはり子供には音の質がある程度下げても、取りあえず弾きやすくて上手な奴が必要と思って、スズキのBlues Masterにしておいた。 こんな感じの:
Blues MasterはOverblowingとかは少し無理なんだけど、弾き始める時にGolden Melodyより音を出しやすい。
早く”Oh Susanna”とかBachの”Minuetto"が弾けるようになりたいなぁ。
ではでは、この辺失礼致しますっ! (Z80もまだ研究中だべー)
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
ちなみに、知りたい人がいらっしゃると、とても便利な開発ソフトを見つけたよ。ジェノヴァ大学の先生が作って下さったらしい。エディタはエミュレータ丸ごとと一緒になっていて、もの凄く楽。ホームページもソフトも英語だし、実際にアイコンがとても解りやすくて、英語をあまり馴染まなくても大丈夫というぐらいの使い勝手。良かったら試してみたい人はここからダウンロードしてみてね: http://www.esng.dibe.unige.it/deeds/Index.htm
;Parallel-Serial 6 bit
;This program gets a parallel INPUT on port 12h
;Bit 0 is the TRIGGER, if it changes from 0 to 1
;data is sent serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port 14h.
;Data is composed of 6 bits from bit 1 to 6 of INPUT.
;Bit 7 is supposed to be always in low state.
;Once a sequence is sent, program waits for next one.
INPUT EQU 12H ;Input port address
OUTPUT EQU 14H ;Output port address
ORG 0000H ;Z80 starts here on reset
JP START ;skips memory reserved to interrupts
ORG 0100H ;our program will start from address 100h
START: LD SP, 0FFFFH ;inizializes the stack pointer
LD B, 00H ;I will use register B to fast clear register A
BIT 0, A ;when bit 0 goes from low to high we are ready
JP NZ, WAIT_0 ;to send data serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port
BIT 0, A
LD C, A ;saves the INPUT in register C
LD D, 08H ;register D will count the number of sent bits
NEXT: RR C ;rotates C right. Bit 0 will be moved to the Carry flag
LD A, B ;resets A
RLA ;RLA gets the Carry flag an pushes it in bit 0 of A register
CALL WAIT_1MS ;waits 1ms (WAIT_1MS is a function)
DEC D ;count the sent bit
JP NZ, NEXT ;if there are still bits to be sent, keeps sending
JP WAIT_0 ;otherwise jumps to start waiting for next sequence.
WAIT_1MS:LD A, 238D ;we will do 238 cycles to pause 1ms
LOOP: DEC A ;that is because the system is supposed to work with a 10MHz clock
NOP ;and instructions inside the loop use 42 clock cycles.
NOP ;respectively DEC = 4, NOP = 4, JP = 10
NOP ;thus for a total of about 10,000 cycles.
RET ;goes back to main program
ちなみに、知りたい人がいらっしゃると、とても便利な開発ソフトを見つけたよ。ジェノヴァ大学の先生が作って下さったらしい。エディタはエミュレータ丸ごとと一緒になっていて、もの凄く楽。ホームページもソフトも英語だし、実際にアイコンがとても解りやすくて、英語をあまり馴染まなくても大丈夫というぐらいの使い勝手。良かったら試してみたい人はここからダウンロードしてみてね: http://www.esng.dibe.unige.it/deeds/Index.htm
;Parallel-Serial 6 bit
;This program gets a parallel INPUT on port 12h
;Bit 0 is the TRIGGER, if it changes from 0 to 1
;data is sent serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port 14h.
;Data is composed of 6 bits from bit 1 to 6 of INPUT.
;Bit 7 is supposed to be always in low state.
;Once a sequence is sent, program waits for next one.
INPUT EQU 12H ;Input port address
OUTPUT EQU 14H ;Output port address
ORG 0000H ;Z80 starts here on reset
JP START ;skips memory reserved to interrupts
ORG 0100H ;our program will start from address 100h
START: LD SP, 0FFFFH ;inizializes the stack pointer
LD B, 00H ;I will use register B to fast clear register A
BIT 0, A ;when bit 0 goes from low to high we are ready
JP NZ, WAIT_0 ;to send data serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port
BIT 0, A
LD C, A ;saves the INPUT in register C
LD D, 08H ;register D will count the number of sent bits
NEXT: RR C ;rotates C right. Bit 0 will be moved to the Carry flag
LD A, B ;resets A
RLA ;RLA gets the Carry flag an pushes it in bit 0 of A register
CALL WAIT_1MS ;waits 1ms (WAIT_1MS is a function)
DEC D ;count the sent bit
JP NZ, NEXT ;if there are still bits to be sent, keeps sending
JP WAIT_0 ;otherwise jumps to start waiting for next sequence.
WAIT_1MS:LD A, 238D ;we will do 238 cycles to pause 1ms
LOOP: DEC A ;that is because the system is supposed to work with a 10MHz clock
NOP ;and instructions inside the loop use 42 clock cycles.
NOP ;respectively DEC = 4, NOP = 4, JP = 10
NOP ;thus for a total of about 10,000 cycles.
RET ;goes back to main program
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
マッシュルーム (Mushroom) - H&MC (High and Mighty Color)
昨日H&MC (High and Mighty Color)のまだ聴いていなかったシングルを調べてみたら、初めてDanceを鑑賞して、その中に「マッシュルーム」(Mushroom)がスゴく気に入った!わけの解らない歌なんだけど、楽しい!何度も聴いてしまう。
Disclaimer: - No Copyright Infringement Intended - I do not own the sound track used in this video. No profit will be made whatsoever. All rights to the sound track belongs to its respectful owners. This video is used for entertainment purposes only.
Disclaimer: - No Copyright Infringement Intended - I do not own the sound track used in this video. No profit will be made whatsoever. All rights to the sound track belongs to its respectful owners. This video is used for entertainment purposes only.
Option Key + _ そして続いて a / i / u / e /o key を押すと、 à / ì / ù / è / ò
Option Key + e そして続いて a / i / u / e /o key を押すと、 á / í / ú / é / ó
_ keyは日本のキーボードで平仮名の「ろ」 が書いてあるキーのこと。
やり方が解った? またイタリア語や外国語の書く時に使ってみてね!
Option Key + _ そして続いて a / i / u / e /o key を押すと、 à / ì / ù / è / ò
Option Key + e そして続いて a / i / u / e /o key を押すと、 á / í / ú / é / ó
_ keyは日本のキーボードで平仮名の「ろ」
やり方が解った? またイタリア語や外国語の書く時に使ってみてね!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Come si puo` dare una svolta alla propria vita?
Forse e` bene ricordarsi che “Le persone di successo hanno l’abitudine di fare ciò che le persone comuni non amano fare.”! (A.Grey)
Per me tuttavia questa e` una frase per dare un senso alla mia vita, ... in effetti ho sempre continuato a fare quello che la maggior parte delle persone che mi circondavano non amavano fare! (fosse questo leggere, studiare, programmare, parlare in altre lingue, ecc.)
Per me tuttavia questa e` una frase per dare un senso alla mia vita, ... in effetti ho sempre continuato a fare quello che la maggior parte delle persone che mi circondavano non amavano fare! (fosse questo leggere, studiare, programmare, parlare in altre lingue, ecc.)
Cooperate to the Open Japanese-English Dictionary! オープン日英辞典に協力しましょう! WWWJDIC & JMdic
Have you ever felt your dictionary should contain more expressions or lacks of words?? The open JMDict project managed by Jim Breen and few other brave official editors is completely free and contains more than 173,000 entries as of now. But the best it is You can contribute and add your own (each entry submission is carefully revised)!
I have been using the WWWJDIC for very long time, and I love the many related software that generated from it, as the Zkanji project that I use on an every day basis. Sometimes I have to spend a considerable amount of time in deciphering the complete meaning of a word, and it is quite fulfilling to know my efforts were not only for me, but also helped the people to come! Moreover, updating the dictionary also aid my review, as I can also have the new vocabulary in my flash card program (Zkanji) after some time (few months).
Just today during my studies I dropped the following submissions (still pending):
I have been using the WWWJDIC for very long time, and I love the many related software that generated from it, as the Zkanji project that I use on an every day basis. Sometimes I have to spend a considerable amount of time in deciphering the complete meaning of a word, and it is quite fulfilling to know my efforts were not only for me, but also helped the people to come! Moreover, updating the dictionary also aid my review, as I can also have the new vocabulary in my flash card program (Zkanji) after some time (few months).
Just today during my studies I dropped the following submissions (still pending):
- 食欲をそそる
- 逢い引き
- 面積
- ご自愛ください
- 感謝感激
- 感謝感激雨霰
- 汚職撲滅
- 今までで;これまでで
- 最大規模
- 大声で叫ぶ
- 宇治茶
- 静岡茶
- 日本三大茶
- 三大茶
- 三大銘茶
- 二大
- 日本二大茶
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The Dilemma of Kindness
Actually I meant to write in Italian, but well anyway, screw it! ...
I've just finished reading Banana Yoshimoto's "Asleep" (白川夜舟) and I have to say I found it quite inspiring. Before this I gave a glimpse to her essay "Jinsei no tabi wo yuku" (人生の旅をゆく - Going through the Path of Life -) and I found it somewhat dry, even though it had some very interesting insights on how Japanese people perceive foreigners, Italy in particular. However, now that I read "Asleep", I can say Yoshimoto really knows how to bring you in her world, while whispering you the truths of life and maybe more. The way she describes places, dreams, and people feelings is just so real, you see a vivid image of it: you grow closer and closer to the personae as the pages turn themselves one after another.
And so, when I finished reading the last of the three short stories inside the book, "An experience", suddenly a question prompted out of my mind:
What does it means to truly care about people? And how can we change our way to do so, without lying to ourselves and/or them?
Somewhat I felt that it is the whole point of it. Something I was circling around over and over, avoiding to face it directly. Yes, I want to be more direct in the way I interact with people, but if I do so, wouldn't I happen by any chance to stop truly caring about them? I kept so long avoiding hurting people, that I might have forgotten how to care for them while showing how different is my way of thinking compared to theirs.
As much scaring this could be, I'll have to take action... and get hold of this weak spot to finally get my heart free of the oppressing feelings currently withholding it.
I've just finished reading Banana Yoshimoto's "Asleep" (白川夜舟) and I have to say I found it quite inspiring. Before this I gave a glimpse to her essay "Jinsei no tabi wo yuku" (人生の旅をゆく - Going through the Path of Life -) and I found it somewhat dry, even though it had some very interesting insights on how Japanese people perceive foreigners, Italy in particular. However, now that I read "Asleep", I can say Yoshimoto really knows how to bring you in her world, while whispering you the truths of life and maybe more. The way she describes places, dreams, and people feelings is just so real, you see a vivid image of it: you grow closer and closer to the personae as the pages turn themselves one after another.
And so, when I finished reading the last of the three short stories inside the book, "An experience", suddenly a question prompted out of my mind:
What does it means to truly care about people? And how can we change our way to do so, without lying to ourselves and/or them?
Somewhat I felt that it is the whole point of it. Something I was circling around over and over, avoiding to face it directly. Yes, I want to be more direct in the way I interact with people, but if I do so, wouldn't I happen by any chance to stop truly caring about them? I kept so long avoiding hurting people, that I might have forgotten how to care for them while showing how different is my way of thinking compared to theirs.
As much scaring this could be, I'll have to take action... and get hold of this weak spot to finally get my heart free of the oppressing feelings currently withholding it.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Copy - The new frontier of Clouding! and why it wins over Dropbox and Google Drive
I have been trying many cloud storage services, but most of them made me unsatisfied, with Copy Sync, for the first time after long I was pleasurably satisfied.
Let me tell you why. Well, first you might try it yourself the special 20GB of storage campaign: if you use an invitation link to register you get 5 extra GB together with the one inviting you (instead of 15GB)!! I drop here mine so you can use it to register later if you like.
The second part of my stratification in fact lies in what other clouding software left me unsatisfied with.
Feel free to ask any question regarding the various differences in the cloud storage services and I'll be more then happy to reply you!! Just drop a comment!
https://copy.com?r=IwvAB6 <- to register ;)
Let me tell you why. Well, first you might try it yourself the special 20GB of storage campaign: if you use an invitation link to register you get 5 extra GB together with the one inviting you (instead of 15GB)!! I drop here mine so you can use it to register later if you like.
The second part of my stratification in fact lies in what other clouding software left me unsatisfied with.
- First, Dropbox does Delta Syncing and it's really cool even to use together Truecrypt Volumes. But free storage is just not enough: 2GB end in the blink of an eye.
- Most of cloud services out there, including Google Drive (as of 2014/01), fail in meeting on one very basic requirement: differential syncing. That is delta sync, the capacity to actually re-upload only the single part of a file that changed without re-transfering the whole thing wasting bandwidth.. Crucial when often changing bits of huge files as I do.
- Copy sync has 20GB of storage (if you use the link above to register), delta syncing with real-time syncronization (based on timestamps so be aware of properly setting your Truecrypt Volume in case you plan to use them together) and clients for ALL platforms, including Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android, iOS, Windows Phones and more to come!
- The Web-interface is just good-looking and intuitive, I like it. A true eye-candy ;)
Feel free to ask any question regarding the various differences in the cloud storage services and I'll be more then happy to reply you!! Just drop a comment!
https://copy.com?r=IwvAB6 <- to register ;)
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Un binario perverso - what the hell is going on?
やるべきこと -> pensiero -> azione ? -> evitare -> prendere tempo -> fare qualcosa di inutile -> 罰を与える -> bloccare qualunque azione positiva -> brain freezes -> impossibility to take any action -> 自分を責める -> struggle the self over one's duties -> total failure.
Ma perche`??
What am I avoiding so desperately??
ちくしょー! なんでなんだよ。自分でも判らない。
Ma perche`??
What am I avoiding so desperately??
ちくしょー! なんでなんだよ。自分でも判らない。
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Exam Period
Studying for my exams at Venice University.
On 11th I'll be taking the first this period, Japanese History, then 14th, 24th and 30th will follow.
Reviewing I realized more than a few things, I could have prepared better, but I suppose it's all experience that comes through.
Wish me good luck.
On 11th I'll be taking the first this period, Japanese History, then 14th, 24th and 30th will follow.
Reviewing I realized more than a few things, I could have prepared better, but I suppose it's all experience that comes through.
Wish me good luck.
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