Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Dilemma of Kindness

Actually I meant to write in Italian, but well anyway, screw it! ...
I've just finished reading Banana Yoshimoto's "Asleep" (白川夜舟) and I have to say I found it quite inspiring. Before this I gave a glimpse to her essay "Jinsei no tabi wo yuku" (人生の旅をゆく - Going through the Path of Life -) and I found it somewhat dry, even though it had some very interesting insights on how Japanese people perceive foreigners, Italy in particular. However, now that I read "Asleep", I can say Yoshimoto really knows how to bring you in her world, while whispering you the truths of life and maybe more. The way she describes places, dreams, and people feelings is just so real, you see a vivid image of it: you grow closer and closer to the personae as the pages turn themselves one after another.

And so, when I finished reading the last of the three short stories inside the book, "An experience", suddenly a question prompted out of my mind: 
What does it means to truly care about people? And how can we change our way to do so, without lying to ourselves and/or them?

Somewhat I felt that it is the whole point of it. Something I was circling around over and over, avoiding to face it directly. Yes, I want to be more direct in the way I interact with people, but if I do so, wouldn't I happen by any chance to stop truly caring about them? I kept so long avoiding hurting people, that I might have forgotten how to care for them while showing how different is my way of thinking compared to theirs.

As much scaring this could be, I'll have to take action... and get hold of this weak spot to finally get my heart free of the oppressing feelings currently withholding it.