Wednesday, April 23, 2014





;Parallel-Serial 6 bit
;This program gets a parallel INPUT on port 12h
;Bit 0 is the TRIGGER, if it changes from 0 to 1

;data is sent serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port 14h.
;Data is composed of 6 bits from bit 1 to 6 of INPUT.
;Bit 7 is supposed to be always in low state.
;Once a sequence is sent, program waits for next one.

       INPUT EQU 12H   ;Input port address
       OUTPUT EQU 14H    ;Output port address

       ORG 0000H       ;Z80 starts here on reset

         JP START        ;skips memory reserved to interrupts
       ORG 0100H       ;our program will start from address 100h

START:   LD SP, 0FFFFH     ;inizializes the stack pointer
         LD B, 00H         ;I will use register B to fast clear register A

WAIT_0:  IN A, (INPUT)     ;get INPUT
         BIT 0, A          ;when bit 0 goes from low to high we are ready
         JP NZ, WAIT_0     ;to send data serially on bit 0 of the OUTPUT port
         BIT 0, A
         JP Z, WAIT_1
         LD C, A           ;saves the INPUT in register C
     LD D, 08H         ;register D will count the number of sent bits

NEXT:    RR C         ;rotates C right. Bit 0 will be moved to the Carry flag
     LD A, B      ;resets A
     RLA          ;RLA gets the Carry flag an pushes it in bit 0 of A register
     OUT (OUTPUT), A    ;updates OUTPUT
     CALL WAIT_1MS      ;waits 1ms (WAIT_1MS is a function)
     DEC D              ;count the sent bit
     JP NZ, NEXT        ;if there are still bits to be sent, keeps sending
     JP WAIT_0          ;otherwise jumps to start waiting for next sequence.

WAIT_1MS:LD A, 238D   ;we will do 238 cycles to pause 1ms
LOOP:    DEC A        ;that is because the system is supposed to work with a 10MHz clock
     NOP          ;and instructions inside the loop use 42 clock cycles.
     NOP          ;respectively DEC = 4, NOP = 4, JP = 10
     NOP          ;thus for a total of about 10,000 cycles.
     JP NZ, LOOP
     RET          ;goes back to main program
